Hunting Advice

Up close look at a turkey's head

Turkey Tactics and Tales Day 2: The Greatest Turkey Fighter...

Editor’s Note: I think you’ll agree with me about Henry Ott being the greatest

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An up close look at a turkey

Turkey Tactics and Tales Day 1: The Mouth Yelper’s Origin

Editor’s Note: You may not know the origin of the mouth yelper – told often and

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A turkey in the woods

The Turkey Hunters’ Quiz Day 5: You Must Be Prepared...

Editor’s Note: The game of turkey hunting is played in the gobbler’s

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A hunter waits and calls for turkeys

The Turkey Hunters’ Quiz Day 4: The No. 1 Turkey...

Editor’s Note: The game of turkey hunting is played in the gobbler’s

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Turkeys in the field

The Turkey Hunters’ Quiz Day 3: Turkeys Can Be Lured...

Editor’s Note: The game of turkey hunting is played in the gobbler’s

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