Hunting Advice

Two hunters on the lookout for gobblers

The Turkey Hunters’ Quiz Day 2: You Can Fool Smart...

Editor’s Note: The game of turkey hunting is played in the gobbler’s

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Two turkey hunters wade in a creek

The Turkey Hunters’ Quiz Day 1: The Game of Turkey...

Editor’s Note: The game of turkey hunting is played in the gobbler’s backyard

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A gobbler in the woods

Box Call Strategies for Taking Turkeys Day 5: The One...

When the words, box call, are used in turkey camp, the picture painted in most

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A turkey in the field

Box Call Strategies for Taking Turkeys Day 4: Pushbutton Box...

The pushbutton box call is one of the simplest and easiest turkey calls for a hunter

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A hunter with his downed turkey

Box Call Strategies for Taking Turkeys Day 3: Tips for...

Editor’s Note: My friend, Gary Sefton of Cornersville, Tennessee, the former

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