Editor’s Note: Professional deer hunters and biologists know the old adage that bucks don’t move in hot and warm weather isn’t true. Bucks have to feed, bed and water, regardless of the temperature. Bucks just move very little in warmer weather. As the world experiences global warming, some of us will have to learn to hunt for hot and warm weather bucks during bow season. In Alabama, my home state, often at the first of bow season in mid-October, the temperature will hover around 90+ degrees.
All hot and warm weather hunters have problems controlling their human odor. If they walk 50 yards in 80- to 90-degree weather and climb-up a tree, they will perspire. Regardless of what substance they’ve bathed with or washed their clothes in, their perspiration more than likely will penetrate those odor barriers. Scent Kapture https://scentkapture.com/ has some of the hottest new products on the market, including body wipes, field spray, hair and body soap, laundry soap and scent-free storage bags to carry your clothes when hunting. Scent Kapture works by attaching to odor molecules, encapsulating them and eliminating them.
Warm weather hunters encounter other problems. Let’s look at how many warm weather hunters solve these problems. They…
- bathe their clothes in unscented soap;
- wash their clothes in unscented soap;
- hang their clothes on a line, and let rain water fall on them;
- powder their feet, socks and the insides of their knee-high rubber boots with scent-free or odor-eliminating products;
- put an odor neutralizer powder in their gloves and hats;
- wear camouflaged pants, shirt, hat, headset and gloves to blend-in with the terrain they’ll hunt;
- carry backpacks with large Ziplocs holding extra shirts and hats into their tree stands;
- remove their shirts and hats before climbing into their tree stands, and spray their entire bodies with an odor neutralizer;
- spray themselves again with a light coat of odor neutralizer once in their trees;
- w
ear full headsets and gloves, rather than using insect spray which may scare deer away, unless they use an earth scent spray; and
- carry a pair of ratchet cutters to prune limbs to move through thick cover and try not to touch any limbs or bushes as they go from their vehicles to their stands.
You can bag bucks with your bow in hot and warm weather. As winter seems to last only a short time today in many parts of the nation, more archers will have to learn how to bowhunt warm weather bucks. The sportsmen who hunt primarily in the Deep South for three or four months under warm weather conditions each year still consistently bag their bucks every season.
To learn more about hunting deer, see John E. Phillips’ book at https://johninthewild.com/books/#deer for Kindle, print and Audible books, as well as some Nook books.