Dr. Robert Sheppard
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Predicting Deer Movement During the Season with Dr. Robert Sheppard

John’s Note: Two ways of bagging a buck include luck, which is a factor that a

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How Dr. Robert Sheppard Scouts and Hunts Deer at the...

John’s note: Two ways of bagging a buck include luck, which is a factor that a

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How Dr. Robert Sheppard Fishes for Hard to Reach Bass with Belly Boats and Tubes - 3

How Dr. Robert Sheppard Three-Wheels and Belly Boats for Beaver...

John’s Note: If you want to catch more and bigger bass and have more fun

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How Dr. Robert Sheppard Fishes for Hard to Reach Bass with Belly Boats and Tubes - 2

How Dr. Robert Sheppard Fishes for Hard to Reach Bass...

John’s Note: If you want to catch more and bigger bass and have more fun

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The Bottleneck Hunter Gets His Deer with Dr. Robert Sheppard

John’s Note: You can do plenty to stack the odds in your favor, if you start

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