Hunting Advice

A gobbler and a hen in the field

Hunting Turkeys That Won’t Gobble Day 2: Take Rainy Weather...

Editor’s Note: Hunters who consistently bag turkeys each season and have the

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A gobbler spreads its wings

Hunting Turkeys That Won’t Gobble Day 1: Realize Turkeys Seldom...

Editor’s Note: Hunters who consistently bag turkeys each season and have the

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A turkey in the field

Fred Darty – The Trophy Turkey Hunter Day 5: What...

Editor’s Note: Fred Darty, today of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, specialized in hunting

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A hunter waits for the moment a turkey crosses into shooting range

Fred Darty – The Trophy Turkey Hunter Day 4: Why...

Editor’s Note: Fred Darty, today of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, specialized in hunting

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A turkey shows off its tail feathers

Fred Darty – The Trophy Turkey Hunter Day 3: Why...

Editor’s Note: Fred Darty, today of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, specialized in hunting

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