Hunting Advice

A turkey in the field

“How to Set Up on Gobbling Turkeys” Day 2: Why...

One of the hardest gobblers to set-up on and call-to is the gobbler with hens. This

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A turkey in the field

“How to Set Up on Gobbling Turkeys” Day 1: How...

The most-important consideration when deciding where to set-up to call-in a gobbler

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A tracking dog locates a downed deer

Using Dogs to Find Wounded Deer Day 5: Ways to...

Editor’s Note: These dogs were once called blood-trailing dogs, and some are still

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A trailing dog takes a break laying in the grass

Using Dogs to Find Wounded Deer Day 4: Deer Tracking...

Editor’s Note: In many southern states, deer season is still continuing through

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A deer in the field

Using Dogs to Find Wounded Deer Day 3: Patrick Jones’...

Editor’s Note: In many southern states, deer season is still continuing through

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