Editor’s Note: If you’re wondering what turkey calling has to do with bass fishing, it’s mainly the fickle nature of the consumer. A new bass lure will come onto the market, and every bass fisherman wants one. That lure will produce well for several years for anglers. However, a new bass lure will come on the market, and bass anglers will buy it, catch bass with it, and forget about the old lures in their tackle boxes. But some of the nation’s top professional fishermen have secret tackle boxes they don’t tell others about. Their “old lure” tackle boxes are full of lures that still catch bass.
The same is true with turkey-calling and turkey-calling tactics. When a new call comes to the market, turkey hunters will put away their old calls and start using the newest, latest, and greatest ones. However, old turkey calls are just as effective, if not more effective, today than they were in the past. Such is the case with the turkey tube and wing bone calls. I met Lyle Gilbert of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, a forester, a turkey-hunting guide since the mid-1990s, and the creator and owner of Houndstooth Game Calls, when I saw him blowing a tube call at a turkey showcase. Years ago, the tube call was considered one of the most productive turkey calls on the market. However, since using a tube call isn’t as easy as a push button call, a box call, and/or a friction call, it’s not blown much anymore. I talked with Gilbert, who grew up chasing deer and turkeys near Livingston, Al, to learn why he’s producing tube, trumpet, and wing bone calls today.

Houndstooth Game Calls was born from the desire to build the best game calls in the outdoor industry using quality materials and consistent methods that hunters can depend on year after year. After much trial and error, Gilbert launched the company in 2012 and continued his quest for the perfect call with the realism of the wild turkey. (Houndstooth also offers deer, duck, and elk calls today). Gilbert thrives on building custom calls to meet the specific needs of each hunter. He says his best ideas and decisions about turkey calls are always made in the woods and through hunting experiences from years past.
Looking for more content? Check out our YouTube channel and watch “How to Un-Hang a Hung-Up Gobbler” by John E. Phillips.
Check out John E. Phillips’ 12th book: “Turkeys: Today’s Tactics for Longbeards Tomorrow“

- hunting strategies with pros Will Primos, David Hale, Eddie Salter, Preston Pittman, Allen Jenkins, Terry Rohm, Paul Butski, Larry Norton and others.
- information about taking turkeys with .410 shotguns.
- box-call techniques.
- strategies for moving on turkeys.
- ways to hunt public-land gobblers.
- the differences in calling and hunting Eastern, Osceola and Western turkeys.
- the latest research on turkeys; and other information.
Click here to check out John’s 12th turkey book.
Expert Guidebooks on Turkey Hunting: Best Sellers

Turkey Hunting Tactics
This turkey hunting audiobook has entertaining chapters like: “How to Miss a Turkey”, “Hunting with a Guide”, and “The Turkey and the New York Lady”.
You’ll learn about all the subspecies of turkey across North America, how to use a turkey call, how to scout before turkey season, how to find a turkey to hunt, and what hunting gear you’ll need to put the odds in your favor to take a wily gobbler.
How to Hunt Turkeys with World Champion Preston Pittman
You easily can take a turkey if you don’t make any mistakes, but you have to know what the deadly sins of turkey hunting are to keep you from making those mistakes. If you understand how to hunt a turkey, you’re far more likely to take a gobbler than if you just know how to call a turkey.
Of course, calling is important, and if you want to learn to call a turkey, Preston Pittman will teach you how to call turkeys with box calls, friction calls, diaphragm calls, and other turkey sounds.
You’ll also learn why Preston Pittman once put turkey manure all over his body to kill a tough tom.
When you have turkeys that strut and drum in the middle of a field, when you know there’s no way to get close enough to get a shot, Pittman will show you some weird tactics that have worked for him to help you hunt tough ole toms.
But the main thing you’ll learn in this book is how to become the turkey.
Using what he’s learned while hunting wild turkeys, he’s also become a master woodsman who can take most game, regardless of where he hunts. To learn more secrets about how to be a turkey hunter from one of the world champions of the sport, this turkey-hunting book with Preston Pittman is a must.

The Turkey Hunting Guides’ Bible
The quickest way to learn how to turkey hunt successfully is to either hunt with a turkey hunter with years of experience or a turkey-hunting guide. These two types of turkey hunters have solved most of the problems turkey hunters ever will face.
Just as one size of shoes won’t fit every person, one style of turkey hunting doesn’t fit each hunter. Each turkey-hunting guide interviewed for this book has his own style of calling, hunting, and outsmarting turkeys.
While listening to this book, make a list of the new information you’ve learned, take that list with you during turkey season, and try some of the new tactics. Then you’ll become a more versatile turkey hunter and prove the wisdom from The Turkey Hunting Guides’ Bible.

Outdoor Life’s Complete Turkey Hunting (2nd Edition)
This Audible book will help you learn how to call turkeys with two of the nation’s best, longtime and well-known turkey callers, Rob Keck, formerly with the National Wild Turkey Federation, and Lovett Williams, a wildlife biologist who recorded wild turkeys giving the calls that you’ll learn how to make on various types of turkey callers.
Tomorrow: Turkeys Respond to Houndstooth Tube Calls