Editor’s Note: I’ve known and hunted with Mark Drury of Missouri, co-owner of Drury Outdoors, for over 30 years. I’ve been fortunate enough to watch him not only as a videographer and a TV host but also as a land manager and hunter who’s learned the secrets of growing and taking big white-tailed bucks. Once you learn the Drury system of managing satellite hunting properties and keeping a log of bucks from 2-1/2 years old and older you’re planning to take, you can also produce more and bigger bucks on the properties you hunt, just like Mark does. This week, you’ll learn the system the Drury family uses to consistently find and take older-age-class bucks with bigger racks and bodies than most have ever seen. For more information about Mark Drury, visit his Facebook page.

During the summer months, my brother Terry and I spend most of our time working on weed control, mowing, and spraying our clover fields. The herbicide we use kills the grass and broadleaves so that there’s more nutrition and moisture in the soil for the clover. We mow the clover first and then spray it with the herbicide. During the first week of August, we plant our fall perennials, including BioLogic Deer-Radish for the early season, BioLogic Winter Bulbs and Sugar Beets for the winter, and BioLogic Final Forage for all-around. One of the things I like about Mossy Oak BioLogic is that the company’s biologists can tell you what seeds should be produced best, when, in the area where you live, and during what deer season you want to take your bucks.

You may be wondering how I’ve figured out what to plant where, and I’ve studied the photos from my Reconyx trail cameras each season. I stand by the company’s slogan, “See What You’ve Been Missing,” because those trail cameras don’t miss a picture, the camera quality is impressive, their battery life is second to none, and in my opinion, they’re the Cadillac of trail cameras.

I know where I hunt during the rut. I have kept records for five years, so I know which bucks will show up either in the early season or the late season. That’s why I plant certain foods to cater to different bucks, depending on when they appear throughout the year. One of the significant advantages of hunting fair-chase deer is that you’ll have different bucks on your property at various times of the year. So, if you learn to recognize those bucks, you can often watch them and allow them to grow to be 4, 5, or 6 years old or older before you harvest them. Now, this is not an exact science because some bucks live through deer season, and some bucks don’t. Also, other bucks may be on your property for a year or two and then vanish. However, keeping up with the pictures of the bucks on the lands I hunt enables me to go into bow season with an excellent idea of what bucks I’m likely to see on what stands at certain times of the year. I can even identify which bucks I can hunt at certain times of the year. In other words, I see quite a few different bucks during the rut, and they may only be coming through a specific place.

How to Hunt and Take Big Buck Deer on Small Properties
In this book, you’ll hear from 14 hunters who either have gained permission or leased properties as small as six acres to as much as 250 acres, and how they consistently take older-age-class bucks off these little lands.

Jim Crumley’s Secrets of Bowhunting Deer
Using a black magic marker and a gray work jumpsuit, Jim Crumley of Buchanan, Virginia, drastically changed the nature and purpose of hunting camouflage when he created the first sportsman’s camouflage – Trebark. Crumley’s love of bowhunting and his desire to be more invisible changed hunting clothing forever.
In this hunting guide, he shares the wisdom that he’s learned throughout his lifetime about how to be a hunter, how to find a deer lease, how to scout for deer, and more.
Special features include how to:
- Have a magic 60 acres to hunt
- Decide the best equipment to use
- Find deer year-round
- Locate land to hunt
- Know the best place to put your tree stand
- Get bucks within bow range

How to Hunt Deer Like a Pro
How do you know if the land you hunt has a trophy deer on it? Wildlife manager Bob Zaiglin, of Uvalde, Texas and Jim Crumley, the father of modern-day hunting camouflage, tells you how to find out. GPS can make finding and taking that trophy buck easier. This hunting guide will teach you how to hunt big bucks where no one else can find them, how to call deer, and how to become versatile as a deer hunter, so that if one deer tactic doesn’t work, another one will.
In the chapter, “How to find Bucks at Scrape,” Dr. Keith Causey, retired professor of Wildlife Science at Auburn University, describes the best way to hunt a scrape.
Brad Harrison of Neosho, Missouri, is a nationally-known videographer, professional deer hunter and master at calling deer. Another master is Will Primos of Primos Game Calls. These two experts will tell the best deer calls and when to use them in this book.
And for over 20 years, Bo Pitman, lodge manager of White Oak Plantation, has been studying deer movement patterns. He explains what types of conditions are best for predicting deer movement.

Deer hunting and deer hunters are drastically changing each year. To learn new techniques for hunting deer and have more places to hunt, I’ve interviewed some of the best deer hunters in the nation and share their tactics in How to Hunt Deer Like a Pro: Volume II.
In Chapter 10, Jacob Lamar tells you his tactics for consistently taking older-age-class bucks on public lands in several states. Chapter 11, Bob Walker explains how to find places on public lands where you can hunt that 99 percent of the other hunters never have considered hunting. The Bonus Chapter with David Ramey tells you how, where, when and with what equipment to take big Kansas bucks on public lands by hunting in 100-degree weather when others won’t hunt.
Chapter 13, Mark Drury, his family and his guests take mature bucks every season by having more small places to hunt rather than one large property. Drury explains the strategy of having satellite farms to hunt that only may be 50-150 acres each or less. Chapter 15, Pat Reeve, who hunts far-northern states and Canada, says, “I don’t like hunting for mature bucks until the weather is 20 degrees or less.” Chapter 4, Dr. Larry Marchinton says that funnels are the most-reliable stand sites to hunt for big bucks and tells why.
Tomorrow: Mark Drury on Raising Buck Deer