Editor’s Note: Reading a deer’s body language will tell you when to draw, where to aim and what to anticipate will happen when you release the arrow. The deer’s body language also will tell you what type of shot to expect. More deer are bagged with bows and arrows by those who take the time to assess the deer’s mood and read the deer’s body language than by those who disregard what the animal is expressing, or what behavior the deer is demonstrating as he comes in for the shot. So, learn to read the deer’s body language and to anticipate the deer’s movements. You will shoot more accurately, bag more bucks and go home with more trophies.
This deer is the one all bowhunters hope to find. This deer will come in looking for food. He or she rarely will look up. These deer will move and feed slowly, keeping their heads down for a long time. Even if this deer hears you move in your tree stand, probably it won’t look up. Also this deer is very forgiving. If you miss a shot, most of the time a calm deer often will give you a second shot. You will have plenty of time to draw on this kind of deer and often can wait for the best shot. This animal is not one that forces you to rush your shot.
Usually a deer will exhibit this type of behavior at the first of the season in thick cover or in areas well away from hunting pressure. A deer demonstrating behavior like this feels safe and secure in the region where you find him. You can locate calm bucks even in high-pressure areas, if you hunt in places where no other hunter has been. Take your time when hunting this deer. Wait on your best shot, and do not expect the deer to jump the string. Since this deer is in a calm mood and not expecting danger, more time will be required for him to shift gears from being calm to fleeing, and he will be less likely to jump the string.
To learn more about hunting deer, check out John E. Phillips’ book, “How to Hunt and Take Big Buck Deer on Small Properties,” available in Kindle, print and Audible versions at http://amzn.to/1vIcj4m. You may have to copy and paste this click into your browser. (When you click on this book, notice on the left where Amazon allows you to read 10% of the book for free, and you can listen to 10% of the books for free). On the right side of the page and below the offer for a free Audible trial, you can click on Buy the Audible book. To see more of John’s deer books, visit www.amazon.com/author/johnephillips.